V. Aristov. T.Laimina “ The Use Of The Karhunen Loeve Transformation To Form The Speech Data For Their Subsequent Wiring To Sound By Probing Sound Source By An Ultra-Wideband Pulse Locator” , Žurnāls Austria-science, № 17/ 2018, pp.22-28. The possibility of applying the first principal component of the Karunen-Loeve transformation is developed to form the speech data for their subsequent wiring to sound when a sound source (speaking person) is probed with an ultrawideband pulse locator.Lasīt vairāk
Simulation of compressed sensing based passive radar for drone detection
G. Gaigals, E. Vavilina. "Simulation of compressed sensing based passive radar for drone detection." 2017 5th IEEE Workshop on Advances in Information, Electronic and Electrical Engineering (AIEEE). IEEE, 2017.Lasīt vairāk
The event timer A033-ET family for SLR automation
Bespalko V., Boole E., Buraks I., Vershinin A., Spunde R. The event timer A033-ET family for SLR automation “2017 ILRS Technical Workshop, October 2 – 5 in Riga, Latvia”Lasīt vairāk
LR patents LV 15284 “NOTIKUMA TAIMERIS AR SISTEMĀTISKĀS TAIMĒŠANAS KĻŪDAS STABILIZĀCIJU”. Izgudrotāji: V. Bespalko, J. Buls, I.Buraks, V. Vedins. Īpašnieks: Elektronikas un datorzinātņu institūts, publicēts LR Patentu valdes oficiālā vēstnesī, No 11, 2017, ir spēkā no 21.09.2017Lasīt vairāk
Measurement of current consumption in a wireless sensor network TestBed
Didzis Lapsa, Rihards Balass, Janis Judvaitis, Krisjanis Nesenbergs. Measurement of current consumption in a wireless sensor network TestBed. Published in: 2017 25th Telecommunication Forum (TELFOR). DOI: 10.1109/TELFOR.2017.8249408Lasīt vairāk
Face Recognition Face2vec Based on Deep Learning: Small Database Case
SUDARS, K., 2017. Face Recognition Face2vec Based on Deep Learning: Small Database Case, Automatic Control and Computer Science. Vol.51, No.1.Lasīt vairāk
Amplitude Adaptive ASDM circuit
Shavelis R., Ozols K., Greitans M., Amplitude Adaptive ASDM circuit, 2017 3rd International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing, Madeira, 2017Lasīt vairāk
WSN based on accelerometer, GPS and RSSI measurements for train integrity monitoring
Barkovskis N., Salmins A., Ozols K., García M.A.M., Ayuso F.P., WSN based on accelerometer, GPS and RSSI measurements for train integrity monitoring, 2017 4th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, Barcelona, 2017Lasīt vairāk
Power Consumption Measurement of Tested Units in the WSN TestBed
D. Lapsa, R. Balass, J. Judvaitis, K. Nesenbergs and A. Skageris. “Power Consumption Measurement of Tested Units in the WSN TestBed”. TELFOR, 2017Lasīt vairāk
Vehicle type and licence plate localisation and segmentation using FCN and LSTM
N. Dorbe, R. Kadikis, K. Nesenbergs. “Vehicle type and licence plate localisation and segmentation using FCN and LSTM”, Proceedings of New Challenges of Economic and Business Development 2017, Riga, Latvia, May 18-20, 2017, pp. 143-151Lasīt vairāk
Recurrent neural network based virtual detection line
Kadikis, R. (2018, April). Recurrent neural network based virtual detection line. In Tenth International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2017) (Vol. 10696, p. 106961V). International Society for Optics and PhotonicsLasīt vairāk
Combination of Periodic and Alias-free Non-uniform Signal Sampling for Wideband Signal Digitizing and Compressed Transmitting Based on Picosecond Resolution Event Timing
I.Bilinskis, E.Boole, K.Sudars, Combination of Periodic and Alias-free Non-uniform Signal Sampling for Wideband Signal Digitizing and Compressed Transmitting Based on Picosecond Resolution Event Timing, Proceeding of Signal Processing Symposium 2017Lasīt vairāk