G. Strazdins, A. Mednis, G. Kanonirs, R. Zviedris, and L. Selavo, “Towards Vehicular Sensor Networks with Android Smartphones for Road Surface Monitoring,” in The Second International Workshop on Networks of Cooperating Objects (CONET’11), Electronic Proceedings of CPSWeek'11, 2011. pp. 1-4.Lasīt vairāk
Experimental investigation of noise suppression using the modified up-and-down method
K. Krūmiņš, V. Pētersons and V. Plociņš. Experimental investigation of noise suppression using the modified up-and-down method. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2011, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 47-52Lasīt vairāk
Wireless Sensor Network for Distributed Measurement of Electrical Field
A. Severdaks, G. Supols, M. Greitans, L. Selavo. ”Wireless Sensor Network for Distributed Measurement of Electrical Field” , Electronics and … Lasīt vairāk
Physical model for solving problems of cost-effective mobile robot development
A. Baums and A. Gordyushin Physical model for solving problems of cost-effective mobile robot development, Automatic Control and Computer Sciences … Lasīt vairāk
Combined peak and level-crossing sampling scheme
M.Greitans, R.Shavelis, L.Fesquet and T.Beyrouthy, "Combined peak and level-crossing sampling scheme", The 9th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications SampTA 2011, Singapore, May 2-6, 2011.g.Lasīt vairāk
An asynchronous FIR filter architecture coupled to a level-crossing ADC
T.Beyrouthy, L.Fesquet, M.Greitans, R.Shavelis and R.Roland, "An asynchronous FIR filter architecture coupled to a level-crossing ADC", The 9th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications SampTA 2011, Singapore, May 2-6, 2011.g.Lasīt vairāk
Real Time Pothole Detection using Android Smartphones with Accelerometers
A. Mednis, G. Strazdins, R. Zviedris, G. Kanonirs, and L. Selavo. Real Time Pothole Detection using Android Smartphones with Accelerometers. Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Mobility in Wireless Sensor Networks (MobiSensor 2011), Barcelona, Spain, pp.1-6, June, 2011.Lasīt vairāk
Complex 2D Matched Filtering Without Halo Artifacts
M.Pudzs, M.Greitans, R.Fuksis. "Complex 2D Matched Filtering Without Halo Artifacts". 18th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2011, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, June 16-18, 2011, pp. 109-112.Lasīt vairāk
Research of dynamics of a gated balanced comparator
Э. Бейнер и К. Круминьш „Исследование динамики стробируемого балансного компаратора”, АВТОМАТИКА И ВЫЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНАЯ ТЕХНИКА, Выпуск No.6, 2011 (Vol. 45)c.21-30. E. Beiner and K. Krumin’sh “Research of dynamics of a gated balanced comparator “Automatic Control and Computer Sciences Volume 45, Number 6 (2011), pp.314-321.Lasīt vairāk
Virtual Ground Truth in Vehicular Sensing Experiments
G. Strazdins, A. Mednis, R. Zviedris, G. Kanonirs, and L. Selavo, “Virtual Ground Truth in Vehicular Sensing Experiments: How to Mark it Accurately,” in The 5th International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM 2011), (Nice, France), pp. 295–300, August 2011.Lasīt vairāk
Design problems of tree species classifiers for multispectral images
A. Lorencs, I. Mednieks, J. Sinica-Sinavskis, “Design problems of tree species classifiers for multispectral images,” Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 61-69, 2011.Lasīt vairāk
Performance Comparison of Methods for Tree Species Classification in Multispectral Images
R. Dinuls, A. Lorencs, I. Mednieks. “Performance Comparison of Methods for Tree Species Classification in Multispectral Images,” Electronics and Electrical Engineering. Kaunas: Technologija, 2011, No.5(111), pp. 119–122.Lasīt vairāk