On September 15-17, EDI senior researcher Dr Rihards Novickis participates in the ORConf2023 conference in Munich, Germany.

ORConf2023 is organized by the Free and Open-Source Silicon (FOSSi) foundation for open-source semiconductor designers, open source EDA tool developers and the community. At the conference, Rihards gave a presentation titled: “GoIT: European initiative for free and open silicon”. The record of this presentation can be seen below.

Abstract. Europe’s IT hardware development is constantly challenged by outrageously expensive design tools, legal constraints like NDAs or patents, lock-in threats, dependency on external vendors and supply chains, and foreign political events. The hardware development is expensive and inefficient and undermines the very principles of sovereignty, resilience and reusability. Free and open-source silicon chips carry the potential to catapult Europe into a renaissance of digital technology.

The “Go IT!” project focuses on maximizing the openness of software and hardware, creating suitable open-source hardware licences, finally enabling RTL and non-RTL component reusability, fostering the availability and compatibility of PDKs and design tools, providing the root of trust primitives, identifying essential standards for open-source silicon, providing feedback to the European policymakers and facilitating general awareness of the challenges, threats and opportunities for free and open-source silicon.

More about the ORConf conference and FOSSi foundation:


More about the GoIT project: