On November 7th, 2019, EDI deputy director of development Kaspars Ozols was participating in “Towards Horizon Europe Implementation in Latvia” conference in Riga, Latvia where he gave an invited speech about EDI experience and success in Horizon 2020 programme, specifically highlighting Horizon 2020 ECSEL projects – 3Ccar, AutoDrive and PRYSTINE.

Full agenda available here: https://izm.gov.lv/images/aktualitates/2019/DRAFT-AGENDA_HE-IMPLEMENTATION.pdf

Besides that, together with representatives from Ministry of Economics, Ministry of Education and Science, State Education Development Agency and others, K.Ozols participated in a private meeting with European Commission Director-General Jean-Eric Paquet. During the meeting different topics related to Horizon Europe implementation in Latvia were discussed. In addition, K.Ozols gave a presentation about how H2020 Programme helped him to establish scientific collaborations with key Automotive and Industry 4.0 players in Europe. He also presented some EDI success stories and provided some suggestions for Horizon Europe programme improvements.