Smart robot with advanced vision, sensing, and human gesture understanding capabilities.

Full member of LAS, Modris Greitans, Janis Arents, and Peteris Racinskis (Institute of Electronics and Computer Science (EDI)) together with Bjorn Debaillie (IMEC, Belgium), Pawel Kostka (Dresden University of Technology, Germany), and Bernd Lesser (Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH, Austria).

As the leading partner, EDI scientists, along with their colleagues from Belgium, Germany, and Austria, have completed the implementation of the Horizon2020 project “Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Digitalization (AI4DI)” and have created a unique industrial robotics solution that can perceive and interpret the surrounding environment and interact with objects and people in it.

The robot, with the help of a 3D camera and embedded artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, is able to classify and locate various, arbitrarily placed objects to make decisions about manipulating them. A dedicated framework for AI training and validation has been developed to easily create synthetic twins of physical objects and generate large-variety training datasets. A special “artificial skin” on the robot allows it to sense touches, and using a 60 GHz radar, it can pick up commands given by human gestures.

The goal of the development is to increase the use of smart industrial robots in dynamic conditions, and to provide intuitive collaboration between robots and humans, in order to promote the digitization of the industry.

The achievement was also reflected in several interviews in various Latvian media:

Article in Latvijas Avīze (Foto: Karīna Miezāja):

Article in Latvian weekly newspaper “Ir” (Foto — Reinis Hofmanis): (*Video uzlikt lai rādās EDI lapā ja iespējams)

Sižets rīta panorāma:

Latvian Radio 1 programme Good Morning (Foto: Sintija Ambote/Latvijas Radio)–stils/tehnologijas-un-zinatne/pieskarienus-uztveross-robots-un-bakterialas-rezistences-apkarosana-izvirza-nozimigakos-sasniegumus-zinatne.a492085/?utm_source=lsm&utm_medium=widget-v2&utm_campaign=widget-v2

Radio show: “Zināmais Nezināmajā”