Edge AI

Robotics and machine perception laboratory researcher Janis Arents, and Cyber-Physical Systems laboratory researcher Janis Judvaitis are participating in Edge AI Technologies for Optimised Performance Embedded Processing (EdgeAI) GA meeting in Athens, Greece.

During the event, the project’s first-year progress is discussed and further steps planned, in which EDI leads the mobility value chain (VC4 mobility) and two demonstrators of this value chain, VCD4.1 “Cognitive Mobile Multi-Agent Platform” and VCD4.2 “Roadside Perception Units Connected with a LoRa 2.4 GHz Mesh Network”. On the first day of the event, J. Arents presents the objectives, progress and planned activities of VC4. J. Arents and J. Judvaitis present the defined system requirements, architecture, HW/SF modules and next activities of the demonstrators VCD4.1 and VCD4.2. During the event, discussions are held with partners on further steps and effective cooperation in project implementation.


The researchers are also participating in the connected conference EEAI, where J. Judvaitis and J. Ārents are presenting the chapters of the EdgeAI book about the respective topics related to demonstrators of the fourth value chain.