As we have already informed, from 27th to 29th June 2023 a major scientific event will take place – the V World Congress of Latvian Scientists “Science for Latvia”.
On 28th of June, the discussion “Industry 5.0 and Society 5.0” will be attended by EDI Deputy Director for Development, Senior Researcher, Dr. sc. ing. Kaspars Ozols, but on 29th of June in the panel discussion “Digitalisation and Human” will participate EDI Director and Senior Researcher, Dr. sc. comp. Modris Greitāns.
Discussion “ Industry 5.0 & Society 5.0 ”
An interdisciplinary view on the digitalization processes and artificial intelligence.
Main focus of this plenary will be on questions: What can we expect from Industry 5.0 in Europe and Latvia? What kind of changes it could lead to in our society?
Opening Remarks: Raimonds Lapiņš (Ministry of Economics).
Speaker: Šons O Reigens (Seán O Reagain).
Panelists: Kaspars Ozols, Liene Briede, Oskars Ozoliņš, Andris Anspoks, Andris Ambainis.
Panel Discussion “Digitalization and a Human”
In this session’s two seperate paneldiscussions, participants will focus on the future vision of digitalization in Latvia, especially on what technologies and to what extent we will use in the future.
The focus will also be on what kind of challenges could arise during and after the digitalization processes and how to promote technological development to boost benefits for society.
During the discussion, the participants will also assess the potential of digital technologies in promoting Latvian culture, while highlighting both needs and opportunities in this area.
Panelists: Jurģis Poriņš, Modris Greitāns, Signe Mežinska, Ivars Austers, Pēteris Zilgalvis, Uldis Bojārs, Sanita Reinsone, Anda Laķe, Andrejs Vasiļjevs.
Moderator: Artis Ozoliņš.
In this Congress participants of the Latvian science ecosystem – Latvian and diaspora scientists, young scientists, students, entrepreneurs, international and local cooperation partners, representatives of government, public administration and foreign missions – will gather to celebrate the achievements of Latvian science and discuss the impact of scientific results on society and policy-making. Participants will also focus on how science is countering global challenges now and in the future.
Read more about the World Congress of Latvian Scientists here: https://www.zinatneskongress.lv/agenda.