EDI ITS-tests bed includes all necessary for testing AD for urban in small scale. This includes artificial interception equipped with professional traffic lights and SWARCO controller (provided by LucidusSmart Solutions) implementing SIL-3 (Safety Integration Level – 3).

The testbed includes number of road infrastructure elements, such as road signs, horizontal road marking and three sections of traffic lights.



– 20 road signs
– 2 gates

EDI ITS Test-Bed layout

The ITS testbed also includes automatic gates controlled by OBUs and automatic garage doors which uses MQTT higher level communication and LDAP for the authentication.


The testbed also includes EDI developed V2X assistive platform which includes 3 RSUs and 2 OBUs. The platform is capable to use three communication protocols such as DSRC 802.11p, LoRa TDMA and Cellular LTE. Such approach allows to enable fail-operational capabilities for V2X communication.

Mainly EDI perform testing using its AD mobile testing platform base on KIA Soul EV vehicle equipped with Nvidia Drive PX2, 12 GMSL cameras, 5 RADARs, 1 LIDAR.

EDI perform testing on Bikirnieku racetrack located in 10 min drive from the EDI.  The racetrack is used for  more complex scenarios ( such as behavioral cloning using DNN ) and higher speeds.

For collaboration opportunities and more information please contact: info@edi.lv  or Aleksandrs Ļevinskis