On October 22 director and senior researcher Modris Greitans will participate in the seminar-discussion “Ways and course of industrial development in the modern world and Jelgava” at the Library of Jelgava (from 15.00 – 16.30) with the presentation “The possibilities provided by artificial intelligence , IT and robotics for the development of European and Latvian technologies”.
To the discussion are invited entrepreneurs, teachers and students and all listener who are interested in Latvia’s development in the manufacturing sectors.
The topical themes will perform the former Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis, the director of Institute of Electronics and Computer Science Modris Greitans, the engineer and car builder Andris Dambis, the Chairman of the Board “Laflora” LTD Uldis Ameriks.
The event will be hosted by Ojars Sparitis the president of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. The event will be streamed to the library’s Facebook account www.facebook.com/