Mārtiņš Puķītis has been working in EDI since 2015. Graduated University of Latvia in the year 2015 with Master Degree in mathematics.
Main research topics are connected with image processing and fuzzy sets.
Recent projects
Object based context aware self-learning network for land cover classification (Dynland-2)
- Sentinel for confidence in outdated maps: SentiMap
- Remote sensing based system for forest risk factor monitoring (Forest Risk) #ESIF
- Comprehensive analysis of hemiboreal forest structure, species composition and ecosystem services using VHR hyperspectral and LiDAR data (HYLIFORES) #FLPP
- Monitoring urban waterfront and recreation territories (Waterfront) #ESA
- EO Baltic Platform for Governmental Services (EO-BALP) #ESA
Recent publications
- Andris Skromulis, Juris Breidaks, Mārtiņš Puķītis. 2023. "Wetland Change Detection Using Sentinel-2 in the Part of Latvia" Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. https://doi.org/10.17770/etr2023vol1.7305
- Martins Pukitis, Ints Mednieks. "Classification of satellite images using Dynland technology" Proc. SPIE 12786, Ninth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2023), 127860E (21 September 2023); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2681896