Recognition of the stage of deterioration of surface layers of concrete using spectroscopy of acoustic surface waves (BetSpek)

No. lzp-2020/2-0033

Aim of the project: The project aims at the research of the scientific basis of pattern-based multi-parametric ultrasonometry – a novel technology for non-destructive testing of materials characterized by non-uniform structure, porosity and complex composition, particularly, concrete. Adequate quality assessment, prediction of the strength of concrete and evaluation of the deterioration processes by the depth of surface layer require smarter diagnostic models with more parameters than provided by existing ultrasonic techniques.

Project partner: Riga Technical University, Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Nanotechnologies.


Project objectives:

  • To develop an experimental setup, comprising multifunctional ultrasound generation and acquisition units, broadband transducers, linear positioning arrangements, and data acquisition firmware.
  • To develop experimental data processing software related for signal decomposition using the digital Fourier transform and factor classification.
  • To carry out experiments on concrete specimens before and after the action of simulated degradation conducted using the experimental ultrasonic setup and reference techniques.
  • To provide scientific justification of the method by correlating ultrasonic data with the physical and mechanical properties of concrete samples with the respect of its condition as a result of destructive factors.
  • To disseminate results in forms of scientific publications, conference presentations and web activity; to prepare materials for PhD and MSc theses.

Experimental scanner developed within BetSpek project for ultrasonic testing of concrete surface


A line of concrete specimens artificially modelling the deterioration process of concrete surface


Examples of 2D spatiotemporal sets of ultrasonic signals obtained by scanning concretes with the healthy and deteriorated surface layers and serving as raw material for the deterioration quantification using pattern recognition

​Ultrasonic Scanner for Concrete Surface Testing


Presentations in international conferences:

Alexey Tatarinov, Aleksandrs Sisojevs, Gennady Shahmenko, Viktors Kurtenoks  An approach for assessment of concrete deterioration by surface waves virtual 4th International Conference on Structural Integrity, 30 August – 2 September, 2021. Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.

Participating scientists

    Dr. sc. ing. Aleksejs Tatarinovs

    Senior Researcher

    +371 28698869
    Mg. math. Tamāra Laimiņa

    Research assistant

    +371 67558202; +371 67558207