I. Mednieks is with IECS starting from 1980 as an engineer. He has been mainly involved in R&D projects related with pseudorandomized DSP and DASP technology. His current research activities are concentrated on image processing.
Dr.sc.ing. (1988), Dr..sc.comp. (1992). Author of more than 50 publications.
Main interests: • Randomized Digital Signal Processing • Non-orthogonal transforms • Digital Alias-free Signal Processing (DASP) technology • Virtual instrumentation • Image processing for object detection • 3D imaging • Remote sensing • Image classification
Recent projects
Object based context aware self-learning network for land cover classification (Dynland-2)
- Remote sensing based system for forest risk factor monitoring (Forest Risk) #ESIF
- Sentinel for confidence in outdated maps: SentiMap #ESIF
- Comprehensive analysis of hemiboreal forest structure, species composition and ecosystem services using VHR hyperspectral and LiDAR data (HYLIFORES) #FLPP
- Monitoring urban waterfront and recreation territories (Waterfront) #ESA
- EO Baltic Platform for Governmental Services (EO-BALP) #ESA
Recent publications
- Linda Gulbe, Juris Zarins, Ints Mednieks, “Automated delineation of microstands in hemiboreal mixed forests using stereo GeoEye-1 data”. MPDI Open Access Journals, Remote Sens. 18 March 2022. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/14/6/1471.
- Martins Pukitis, Ints Mednieks. "Classification of satellite images using Dynland technology" Proc. SPIE 12786, Ninth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2023), 127860E (21 September 2023); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2681896