M.Greitans. Time-Frequency Representation Based Chirp-Like Signal Analysis Using Multiple Level Crossings. 15th European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO 2007, Poznań, Poland, September 3-7, 2007.Read more
Estimation of finite state machine realization based on PLD
E. Lange, V. Chapenko, K. Boule. Estimation of finite state machine realization based on PLD. – Proc. of the International IEEE East-West Design & Test Workshop (EWDTW’06), 15.-19. Sept. 2006, Sochi, Russia, pp.149 – 152.Read more
Multimedia and Network Technology for Flexible and Distance Learning and Training
V.Zagursky, Multimedia and Network Technology for Flexible and Distance Learning and Training, RTU Starptautiska zinātniskā konference, Rīga, 2006. gada oktobris.Read more
Гаммирование избыточных кодов
В.О. Васюкевич, Гаммирование избыточных кодов. Автоматика и вычислительная техника, 2006, No. 1, 3-11.Read more
Examples for Filter Synthesis
E. Hermanis. “Examples for Filter Synthesis”, “Electronics and Electrical Engineering” - Kaunas: Technologija, Vol. 65, No. 1, 2006, pp.5-10.Read more
Fractal analysis of river flow fluctuations
E. Hermanis. Fractal analysis of river flow fluctuations, līdzautors S. Movahed, arXiv: physics/0608056 v1, 2006Read more
Structural optimization of communication networks
A.Gobzemis. Structural optimization of communication networks. – Augstākā profesionālā izglītība teorijā un praksē: 4. Starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences zinātniskie raksti. Rīga, RTU, 2006, lpp. 6-9.Read more
The Completely Distributive Lattice of Machine Invariant Sets of Infinite Words
A.Belovs, J.Buls. The Completely Distributive Lattice of Machine Invariant Sets of Infinite Words. (2006) Discussiones Mathematicae --- General Algebra and Applications (pieņemts publicēšanai).Read more
Periodicity of Bi-ideals
J.Buls. Periodicity of Bi-ideals. http://www.aaa71.uz.zgora.pl/Read more
Elementary Symmetric Polynomials in Random Variables
A.Lorencs. Elementary Symmetric Polynomials in Random Variables. – (Pilns teksts pieņemts publicēšanai in Proceedings of 9th International Vilnius Conference on … Read more
Gamming of redundant codes
V.O.Vasyukevich. Gamming of redundant codes // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2006. Nr.1. pp.1-8.Read more
Iterative Spectrum Analysis of Nonuniformly Undersampled Wideband Signals
I. Bilinskis, A. Rybakov. Iterative Spectrum Analysis of Nonuniformly Undersampled Wideband Signals. Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2006, Nr. 4(68), p. 5-8.Read more