Operational programme “Growth and employment”. Activity “Support for new products and technologies within the competence centres” of the Specific Aide Objective 1.2.1 “Promote investments of private sector in R&D”
project No. “Information and Communication Technology Competence Center”
“Deep neural network method for improve the accuracy of tracking and classification of vehicles registration plates.” (DziNTA)
Project No. proposer: LTD „IT kompetences centrs”
Project Research DziNTA proposer: LTD „ PricewaterhouseCoopers Information Technology Services”
Cooperation partner: Institute of Electronics and Computer Science (EDI)
EDI research part scientific manager: Mihails Broitmans
EDI research part place of implementation: Institute of Electronics and Computer Science
EDI research part duration time: 01.09.2016. – 31.12.2018.
Project and research is financed by European Union