V.Pelipeiko. Sabiedrības informatizācijas stratēģiskās nostādnes. Informācionālais drošums. https://www.edi.lv/journal/Pelipeiko.htmlRead more
Статистический метод обнаружения и преобразования слабых сигналов
К.Круминьш,В.Карклиньш,В.Плоциньш. Статистический метод обнаружения и преобразования слабых сигналов// Автоматика и вычислительная техника. 2006 №4. с.23-32.Read more
A statistical method of detection and conversion of weak signals
K.Krūmiņš, V.Kārkliņš and V.Plociņš. A statistical method of detection and conversion of weak signals // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. Allerton Press, Inc., 2006. Nr.4. pp.15-21.Read more
Learning Systems in Higher Education
L.Zaitseva, J.Bule. Learning Systems in Higher Education .- Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2006), Kerkrade, Netherlands, 5-7 July, 2006, pp. 674 – 676.Read more
Processing of Non-Stationary Signal Using Level-Crossing Sampling
M. Greitans. “Processing of Non-Stationary Signal Using Level-Crossing Sampling”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications „SIGMAP2006” Setubal, Portugal, Aug. 2006., pp 170-177.Read more
On Chaotic Maps in Symbol Space of One Sided Infinite Sequences
I.Bula, J.Buls, I.Rumbeniece. On Chaotic Maps in Symbol Space of One Sided Infinite Sequences. Tenth Prague Topological Symposium. Abstracts, Prague, August 13-19, 2006, p.71-72.Read more
Infinite Words
J.Buls. Infinite Words. Tenth Prague Topological Symposium. Abstracts, Prague, August 13-19, 2006, p.11.Read more
From Bi-idols to Periodicity
J.Buls, A.Lorencs. From Bi-idols to Periodicity. XIth “Mons days of Theoretical Computer Science”, Internal Proceedings, \linebreak{IFSIC/IRISA}, Rennes, France, August 30 – September 2, 2006, p. 97-110.Read more
An Approach to Distributed Analog-to-Digital Conversion
I.Bilinskis, Yu.Artyukh. An Approach to Distributed Analog-to-Digital Conversion. Автоматика и вычислительная техника, №5, 2006, с.3-11.Read more
Electronic Textbook and E-Learning System in Teaching Process
L.Zaitseva, J. Bule. Electronic Textbook and E-Learning System in Teaching Process,-Proceedings of E-learning conference'06 Computer Science Education, 7-8 Sept.2006, Coimbra, Portugal / Internets. http://elconf06.dei.uc.pt/proceedings.htm, pp. 189 – 192.Read more