Yu. Artyukh, E. Boole, V. Vedin. Instrumentation for Creating KHz SLR Timing Systems. Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Canberra, Australia, October 16-20, 2006. Read more
Event Timing System for Riga SLR Station
Yu. Artyukh, V. Bespal'ko, K. Lapushka, A. Rybakov. Event Timing System for Riga SLR Station. Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Canberra, Australia, October 16-20, 2006.Read more
Perspective of internet access infrastructure choice in rural regions of Latvia and possible ways of its implementing
A. Ermuiza. Perspective of internet access infrastructure choice in rural regions of Latvia and possible ways of its implementing. Information Technologies for Rural Development, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, Jelgava, Latvia, october 19-20, 2006,pp 67 -70.Read more
Prasības zināšanu pārvaldības mehānismiem apdraudētu objektu grupas modelī
A. Ermuiža. Prasības zināšanu pārvaldības mehānismiem apdraudētu objektu grupas modelī. (pieņemts publicēšanai RTU zin. Rakstu krājumā 2006. gada 1. novembrī)Read more
Wireless Multimedia System based on the CSMA/CA Media Access Algorithm
V.Zagurskis, Wireless Multimedia System based on the CSMA/CA Media Access Algorithm, Second IEEE International Workshop on Performance and Management of Wireless and Mobile Networks, November 14-16, 2006, Tampa (Florida), USARead more
A vision of desirable eLearning and eInclusion development trends in Latvia
A.Ermuiža. A vision of desirable eLearning and eInclusion development trends in Latvia. Publicēts foruma “Baltic IT&T 2005: eBaltics” materiālos internetā. http://www.ebaltics.com/QuickPlace/ forum2005/Main.nsf/h_Toc/ 4A44DB5FDC8D89EDC2256FE7002739B8?OpenDocumentRead more
Lekciju konspekti datortīklos
A.Ermuiža. “Lekciju konspekti datortīklos”. http://www.cs.rtu.lv/PubsLoc/Ermuiza/Saturs.htm RTU, 2005.Read more
Simulation of Universal Machines
J. Buls. Simulation of Universal Machines. 69th Workshop of General Algebra 20th Conference for Young Algebraists, 2005., Potsdam, Germany, pp. 15-16.Read more
Applying Mealy Machine to DOL and u-u words
A. Belovs, J. Buls. Applying Mealy Machine to DOL and u-u words. In Words 2005, Publications du Laboratoire de Combinatiore et d’Informatique Mathematique (Nr. 36), pp. 147-162.Read more
The Lattice of Machine Invariant Sets and Subword Complexity
J. Buls. The Lattice of Machine Invariant Sets and Subword Complexity. http://arxiv.org./abs/cs.CR/052064, 2005., 9 pages.Read more