Модификации метода “up-and-down” в режиме обнаружения слабых сигналов сверхширокополосной радиолокации

К. Круминьш, В. Карклиньш. Модификации метода “up-and-down” в режиме обнаружения слабых сигналов сверхширокополосной радиолокации, Автоматика и вычислительная техника. - 2005. - No. 4, 70 – 77.Read more

Knowledge control approaches in computer-assisted education

L.Zaitseva, C.Boule, N.Prokofyeva. Knowledge control approaches in computer-assisted education. Proceeding of The Eighth IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education - CATE 2005, August 29-31, 2005., Oranjestad, Aruba, pp. 453-456.Read more

Verification of Mixed- Signal Non-Linear Objects

V.Zagursky, I.Zarumba. Verification of Mixed- Signal Non-Linear Objects. IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP 2005), September 1-3, 2005., University of Agraval, Campus de Gambelas, Portugal, Proceedings, pp. 132-136.Read more