Starptautiskā izstādē Productronica 2013, Minhenē Institūta darbinieki vadošais pētnieks Leo Seļāvo, pētnieki Atis Hermanis, Teodors Eglītis un Uldis Grunde popularizē Institūta tēlu, iepazīstina ar Institūtā veiktajiem pētījumiem un izstrādātajām iekārtām:

  • EdiMote: a tool for prototyping and profiling of network edembedded systems and sensor;
  • Mans OS: easy to use, portable and resource efficient operating system for networked embedded devices;
  • Multimodal palm biometric system: to create safe, comfortable and widely used person’s identification system based on human palm biometric features along with smart cards for biometric data to prevent card usage without its user ;
  • Shape sensing fabric with bio-feedback and posture monitoring;
  • Shape sensing fabric applications in medicine.