Armands Ancans. Wired Communication Protocol for Body Sensor Network: A Solution for Sensor Data Acquisition. IWoEDI'2023, 2023.

Bibtex citāts:
author = {Armands Ancans},
title = {Wired Communication Protocol for Body Sensor Network: A Solution for Sensor Data Acquisition},
journal = {IWoEDI'2023},
year = {2023}

Anotācija: Body sensor networks typically rely on wireless communication technologies, but in large and dense topologies, challenges with material efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and coex-istence can arise. Wired communication has the potential to address these issues while preserving wearability and movement freedom, yet wired networks for body sensor networks have been overlooked and under-studied. In this extended abstract, an architecture for a low-power wired body sensor network and an optimized communication protocol for a large number of sensor nodes is proposed. And a proof-of-concept experimental device that demonstrates the feasibility and suitability of our approach for real-time applications is presented.