G.Erins, A.Lorencs, I.Mednieks, J.Sinica-Sinavskis. “Tree Species Classification in Mixed Baltic Forest,” Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), 2011, pp.1-4.Lasīt vairāk
Generalized Complex 2D Matched Filtering for Local Regular Line-Like Feature Detection
M.Pudzs, M.Greitans, R.Fuksis. “Generalized Complex 2D Matched Filtering for Local Regular Line-Like Feature Detection”. 19th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO … Lasīt vairāk
Mini-Max Method for Optimization of Energy Consumption in Real-Time Systems with a Lot of Processing Elements
A. Baums “Mini-Max Method for Optimization of Energy Consumption in Real-Time Systems with a Lot of Processing Elements”, Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, Vol. 45, No. 6, 2011,. pp. 322-337.Lasīt vairāk
Vehicle Position Determination Using Several SBAS Receivers and Data from Local Reference Stations
Artis Mednis. Vehicle Position Determination Using Several SBAS Receivers and Data from Local Reference Stations. L. Niedrite et al. (Eds.): BIR 2011 Associated Workshops and Doctoral Consortium, pp. 379-386, 2011. Riga Technical University, 2011.Lasīt vairāk
Biohashing and Fusion of Palmprint and Palm Vein Biometric Data
Rihards Fuksis, Arturs Kadikis, and Modris Greitans "Biohashing and Fusion of Palmprint and Palm Vein Biometric Data", International Conference on Hand-based Biometrics, ICHB2011, Hong Kong, China, November 17-18, 2011, pp. 268-273Lasīt vairāk
Advanced Level-Crossing Sampling Method
U. Grunde, M. Greitans. ”Advanced Level-Crossing Sampling Method”. 2011 19th IEEE Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2011), IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1198P-CDR, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2011., Proceedings of Papers, pp.797-800.Lasīt vairāk
Team “Latvia” GCDC 2011 Technical Paper
G. Strazdins, A. Gordjusins, G. Kanonirs, V. Kurmis, A. Mednis, R. Zviedris, L. Selavo, "Team “Latvia” GCDC 2011 Technical Paper", in The Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge (GCDC 2011)Lasīt vairāk
Jitter Measurement on the Basis of High-precision Event Timer
Yu.Artyukh, E.Boole. Jitter Measurement on the Basis of High-precision Event Timer, Metrology and Measurement Systems, 2011, No.3, pp.453-460.Lasīt vairāk
Improvement of the Accuracy of the Temporal Position Estimation of the Gravity Center of an Analog Signal
A.S.Rybakov. Improvement of the Accuracy of the Temporal Position Estimation of the Gravity Center of an Analog Signal on the Basis of Discrete samples, Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2011, Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 301–313.Lasīt vairāk
Precise Measurement of Event Flow Time Coordinates
A.Rybakov, V.Vedin. Precise Measurement of Event Flow Time Coordinates Based on the Digital Processing of a Triggered Relaxation Oscillator Wave Train, Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 2011, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 162–173.Lasīt vairāk
Method for Fast and Complexity-Reduced Asymmetric Image Compression
I.Bilinskis, A.Skageris, K.Sudars. Method for Fast and Complexity-Reduced Asymmetric Image Compression, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2011, No. 4(110), pp.117-120.Lasīt vairāk
Investigation of Time and Energy Consumption using the Physical Model
Baums A., Gordjusins A., Kanonirs G., „Investigation of Time and Energy Consumption using the Physical Model”, Electronics and electrical engineering No. 5(111), Lithuania, Kaunas, 2011, pp. 85-88.Lasīt vairāk