A.Rybakov. “Estimating the Time Position of the Pulse Signal Midpoint by a Small Number of Samples in High-Precision Event Timing”, “Automatic Control and Computer Sciences”, Allerton Press, Inc., 2009, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp.9–16.Lasīt vairāk
Method for complexity-reduced digital filtering and parameter estimation of analog signals
Artyukh Y., Bilinskis I., Sudars K., European Patent Application No. EP2075912 A1, Method for complexity-reduced digital filtering and parameter estimation of analog signals, Assignee: Institute of Electronics and Computer Science of Latvia, European patent Bulletin, January 7, 2009.Lasīt vairāk
Applications of Riga Event Timer at Shanghai SLR Station
Yu.Artyukh (Institute of Electronics and Computer Science, Riga, Latvia ), Zhang Zhongping et al., (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS). “Applications of Riga Event Timer at Shanghai SLR Station”, Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Poznan, Poland, 2009, vol.2, pp. 447-453.Lasīt vairāk
A Nanosecond Pulse Amplitude-to-Time Interval Converter
V.Bespal’ko. “A Nanosecond Pulse Amplitude-to-Time Interval Converter”, “Instruments and Experimental Techniques”, 2009, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp.204–206.Lasīt vairāk
Advances of High-precision Riga Event Timers
Yu.Artyukh, V.Bespal’ko, E.Boole, V.Vedin. “Advances of High-precision Riga Event Timers”, Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Poznan, Poland, 2009, vol.2. pp.398-403.Lasīt vairāk
Potentialities of Common-used TDC Chips for High-Speed Event Timer Design
E.Boole, V.Vedin. “Potentialities of Common-used TDC Chips for High-Speed Event Timer Design”, Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Poznan, Poland, 2009,vol.2, pp. 417-422.Lasīt vairāk
Simulation and computation of the asymmetry of a clocked balanced tunnel-diode comparator
E. Beiners, K.Kruminsh. “Simulation and computation of the asymmetry of a clocked balanced tunnel-diode comparator”, “Automatic Control and Computer Sciences”, Allerton Press, Inc., 2009, Vol.43, Issue 2, pp. 109-112.Lasīt vairāk
Minimax Method in Optimizing Energy Consumption in Real-Time Embedded Systems
A.Baums “Minimax Method in Optimizing Energy Consumption in Real-Time Embedded Systems” “Automatic Control and Computer Sciences” - Allerton Press, Inc., Vol. 43, Issue 2, 2009, pp.57–62.Lasīt vairāk
Digitālu rentgena attēlu analizators svešķermeņu atklāšanai objektos reālā laika režīmā
LR patents Nr. 13857. “Digitālu rentgena attēlu analizators svešķermeņu atklāšanai objektos reālā laika režīmā”. Izgudrotāji: I.Mednieks, A.Skaģeris. Īpašnieks: Elektronikas un datorzinātņu institūts, publicēts 20.03.2009.Lasīt vairāk
Potential of the DSP-based Method for Fast Precise Event Timing
Yu.Artyukh, V. Bespal’ko, E. Boole. “Potential of the DSP-based Method for Fast Precise Event Timing”, “Electronics and Electrical Engineering”- Kaunas: Technologija, 2009, No. 4(92), pp.19–22Lasīt vairāk
Real Time Image Processing for Object Detection
I.Mednieks, A.Skageris. “Real Time Image Processing for Object Detection”, “Electronics and Electrical Engineering”, Kaunas: Technologija, 2009, No.4(92), p.33-36.Lasīt vairāk
Features of Implementation of the Modified “up-and-down” Method
K.Krūmiņš, V.Pētersons, V.Plociņš. "Features of Implementation of the Modified “up-and-down” Method”, “Electronics and Electrical Engineering” - Kaunas: Technologija, 2009, No.5(93), pp. 51-54.Lasīt vairāk